Friday, 30 January 2015

Still Here

Christ Church Meadows, Oxford. Peter Johnson
Oh, hello!

I've been away from this space for a little while, and I thought I'd pop in to see how things are in the worlds of ITSM and work psychology.

I typed in #ITSM in Twitter and noted that the sector is chugging along as usual; front line service desk types still looking for deterministic and formulaic solutions to complex fuzzy people problems.


(Quantitative) work psychology is doing much the same but in a far more rigorous way. At least they understand the epistemological and ontological issues and their cons and pros. And anyway, out of the rigour may indeed fall some stunningly practical insights, you know like the ones that Newton, Darwin and Einstein found.

It might happen... I'm not saying it won't. But I'm not a believer any more.

I mean, what if the epistemology is all wrong? What if the ontology is a little misguided. What if Kant (and Ralph Stacey) were correct and we are trying to fit odd-shaped human concept pegs into the square hole of reductive and materialistic science?

#JustSaying, like.

Anyway, elsewhere on social media I'm having much fun exploring humanistic ideas; philosophy, society and such. It's a much larger playground - less restrictive and a place where new ideas can really grow.

Of course, I'm still doing tech, it's the day job after all. But I'm proper 'nuts & bolts' now. I'm designing and building solutions for organisations. It's just me, and "the business" which is fun. Client IT sometimes get involved to provide an available and reliable infrastructure (which I'm really appreciative of - and which should be celebrated), but in terms of the stuff that makes the business happy, I'm at the sharp end.

I'm also thinking about going direct to smaller businesses via cloud hosted infrastructure. Big leap perhaps, but maybe significant rewards?

Time to disappear again. Some data cubes to build, and later heavy essays about existentialism to complete. See you here again sometime soon?

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